Font size problem caused by text-size-adjust

25 Nov 2013 css3

Today, I have encountered a wierd issue while I was testing my blog on my iPhone5s. The font size on Safari for iOS is about 75% larger than that on Safari for desktop. I checked this issue with the inspector for a long time, but still cannot figure out the reason. After searching the web for a while, I got the answer.

The Safari on mobile devices has the css property tex-size-adjust enabled, in which, if font size is smaller than the minimum readable size, the browser will automatically multiplies the font size with a certain ratio. After I increased the font size a little bit, the issue was gone.

However, you may disagree with Safari's interests on font. In that case, we can simple disable it by adding css below.

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
  body {
    text-size-ajust: none;
    -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
    -moz-text-size-ajust: none;
    -o-text-size-ajust: none;
    -ms-text-size-ajust: none;

In code above, we are using a media query, which will only be executed if device display width is no more than 600 pixels. In body tag, we set text-size-adjust to none, which will disable such feature.


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